Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Design Changes and "bleed"

Midnight again...

So anyone who has ever designed for print KNOWS that you need to account for "bleed". Well, guess who has never designed for print! I actually knew about bleed but, until I came face to face with it in the dark of the night, I had no idea how much trouble it could cause! Anyhow, here is the new look. Let me know what you think. I actually feel like this problem led to a sharper design.  The problem gave me inspiration to clear up some design elements that my designer friend, Carl, had been not 100% satisfied with. Also note that the cards will be rounded in the final product rather than points. It would take too long to mock that up for every single card just now, but here's a look at something very close to a final product for one of my favorites...

The blueberry card for Food Forest a card game inspired by Permaculture principles

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